VERBAL 言葉のこと

ふうが季節の十句 Season's haiku poem by fouga

spring 春の句

  • 一番茶かぐもすするも一会かな

    season’s first tea could be tasted just once, either smelling or drinking.

  • 梅が枝は五分咲きが良し人もまた

    plum blossoms are nice when they are on the way to full bloom,men & women as well.

  • 春嵐ボリウムひとつあげにけり

    since spring hard breeze comes, music sound is shifted louder by one level.

  • 花むらに枕せむかな大あくび

    I am about to lay down myself to take a nap, making cherry blossoms a pillow, woom!

  • 坂道をのぼれば触るる春の月

    as I walk upward the slope, as almost about to touch the moon in spring.

  • 会いたうてまた瞳を閉じる朝寝かな

    nice to see you in dream, I am going to close my eyes to see you again.

  • 会ふ人も少なくなりぬ故郷(さと)の春

    as time flies, as the number of people to meet decreases in countryside.

  • 清明やまろき光の再起動

    time has come to brilliant light grow softly, as it happens every year.

  • 羊羹の深黒(しんこく)のごと朝寝する

    sleeping in the morning is rather deep as black in sweet bean cakes.

  • 目に耳に春走るなり其処彼処(そこかしこ)

    spring is running around eyes and ears, everywhere.

summer 夏の句

  • 言の葉よ

    fly my words, like a fire fly!
    on and off, on and off…

  • 同窓会

    receiving an invitation card to the alumni party, yes or no, yes or no, I hesitate like snails.

  • 万緑や

    full of evergreen! greener and greener,
    the sole of my shoes go thinner and thinner.

  • 幾たびの

    how many summer travels more?
    I took 10 year passport, though.

  • 遠足の

    outing is one night ahead, I am packing full of sweets and joy in my heart.

  • 母の日や

    for celebration to mother’s day, I wrote “dearest mother” and my pen stopped.

  • 一村を

    an all village is dyed,with gradation of wheat breed.

  • 痩骨の

    an old bicycle get wet and thinner under heavy rain through greener leaves.

  • 満天の花火や二人を影にする

    under full of fireworks in the sky
    two persons silhouettes make one.

  • 削り氷やZZZZの音ZZの味

    shaved ice sounds ZZZZ, and tastes ZZ.

autumn 秋の句

  • 救急のサイレン マリーゴールド揺るる

    a siren of ambulance sounds,marigolds are found wavering.

  • 林檎描く或るほどほどの孤独かな

    a certain solitude makes me draw an apple quietly.

  • 落鮎や一山一水いきいきて

    a sweet-fish after egg-laying is going down,over traveling a mountain and a river.

  • 鰯雲ともに走るや車窓ごと

    autumn clouds are following me
    in the frame of the window of the train.

  • 刷りてよし男雷電為右衛門

    after printing into ukiyoe, the sumo wrestler Raiden looks powerful as he is.

  • 地震(なゐ)揺れて月の一夜ぞ鉄道員

    anytime earthquake occurred, railroad men work even under the moonlight.

  • ひと息の椀の揺らぎや竜田姫

    a subtle breath make soup wavering, oh autumn comes.

  • 蜻蛉や眼下に在るは右顧左眄(うこさべん)

    a dragonfly flying straight is looking down people make a left and right.

  • 言の葉の口の紅きに舞ふ秋ぞ

    beautiful words are dancing around ladies rouge lips, that’s autumn.

  • 歩くやうに秋の来にけり歌うやうに

    autumn comes as it walks and sings.

winter 冬の句